The Life Freedom Method® is our transformational flagship method.

It is the process that will to take you from where you are now, to a much healthier, happier, successful version of you, having clarity on your life, your purpose, direction and your business.

The Life Freedom Method® is our transformational flagship method.

It is the process that will to take you from where you are now, to a much healthier, happier, successful version of you, having clarity on your life, your purpose, direction and your business.

Leaders & Pioneers

Leaders & Pioneers

The Life Freedom Method® Research programme is being lead by Jules Kelly & Claire Morton

Altruistic world class coaches, pioneers and agents for change. Their passion and resilience to bring about tangible change to the holistic wellbeing and performance of any person and business that chooses an alternative or complementary path, is inspiring and without limitation.

The Life Freedom Method® Research programme is being lead by Jules Kelly & Claire Morton

Altruistic world class coaches, pioneers and agents for change. Their passion and resilience to bring about tangible change to the holistic wellbeing and performance of any person and business that chooses an alternative or complementary path, is inspiring and without limitation.

The Inspiration

The Life Freedom Method® was borne through Jules Kelly’s journey to wellbeing after being “that” senior leader living with the chronic health condition (dressed up as "Its nothing! I'm just busy) , Fibromyalgia for twelve years, whilst ignoring the signs until she couldn’t ignore them any more.

Following her full mental and physical breakdown in 2017, Jules came to a cross road in her life. Continue to exist in a world of pain and restriction or make a change.

Jules successfully healed herself from Fibromyalgia and became frustrated that “the system” only supported a medicated response and went about sharing the truth that there is another way.

The Inspiration

The Life Freedom Method® was borne through Jules Kelly’s journey to wellbeing after being “that” senior leader living with the chronic health condition, (dressed up as "Its nothing! I'm just busy) for twelve years, whilst ignoring the signs until she couldn’t ignore them any more.

Following her full mental and physical breakdown in 2017, Jules came to a cross road in her life. Continue to exist in a world of pain and restriction or make a change.

Jules successfully healed herself from Fibromyalgia and became frustrated that “the system” only supported a medicated response and went about sharing the truth that there is another way.

" This lit a fire in side of me to share with others that there is another way. "

" This lit a fire in side of me to share with others that there is another way. "

The Dream Team

Choice is something that we all have, however within our current system, treatment choice is limited to what is offered by them unless you go and do your own research and fund the alternatives yourself.

Jules originally created The Life Audit and Radical Self Care Programme which emulated her process to achieving holistic wellbeing after 12 years of living in chronic pain transforming her performance on all levels.

Joining forces with Claire further strengthened the process and expedited the client results from The Life Freedom Method® that has been taken to trial. This is now the framework of all of the work we deliver, as all performance starts with individual performance.

The Dream Team

Choice is something that we all have, however within our current health care system, treatment choice is limited to what is offered by them unless you go and do your own research and fund the alternatives yourself.

Jules originally created The Life Audit and Radical Self Care Programme which emulated her process to achieving holistic wellbeing after 12 years of living in chronic pain transforming her performance on all levels.

Joining forces with Claire further strengthened the process and expedited the client results from The Life Freedom Method® that has been taken to trial. This is now the framework of all of the work we deliver, as all performance starts with individual performance.

It is clinically proven

The Life Freedom Method® has been clinically proven to help people move beyond pain and restriction and to take full control of their life.

Our pilot clinical trial with Liverpool University and the NHS Walton Centre has shown outstanding results in taking patients from being classified as disabled to no longer meeting that criteria.

It is science backed

Each step of this Intensive twelve – week programme is science backed and has been proven to work for both Jules, Claire and many others too. Its application is far reaching and people are benefitting from the Life Freedom Method® programme to bring them their renewed foundational strength and clarity, direction, purpose and wellbeing with accountability and ultimate success and high performance.

It accounts for individuality

Each one of us is unique. We all have our own blueprint, and we are here to meet life in our own way. The Life Freedom Method® allows for the embracing of each persons complete individuality.

It is Clinically Proven

The Life Freedom Method® has been clinically proven to help people move beyond pain and restriction and to take full control of their life.

Our pilot clinical trial with Liverpool University and the NHS Walton Centre has shown outstanding results in taking patients from being classified as disabled to no longer meeting that criteria.

It is Science Backed

Each step of this Intensive twelve – week programme is science backed and has been proven to work for both Jules, Claire and many others too. Its application is far reaching and people are benefitting from the Life Freedom Method® programme to bring them their renewed foundational strength and clarity, direction, purpose and wellbeing with accountability and ultimate success and high performance.

It accounts for individuality

Each one of us is unique. We all have our own blueprint, and we are here to meet life in our own way. The Life Freedom Method® allows for the embracing of each persons complete individuality.

We work with your...

  • overall health and wellbeing

  • beliefs

  • mindset

  • purpose

  • strategy

  • business

  • career

  • relationships

We show you how to...

  • live your life in the most aligned way

  • make decisions that are aligned with you and your purpose

  • how to grow through a new level of understanding

  • create space and freedom in your life to allow you to thrive

  • Integrate past experiences with your nervous system to allow for greater holistic wellbeing.

We help you understand...

  • your foundational strengths

  • your potential blind spots

  • your innate brilliance

  • Your choices

  • your importance

It works through your pain

We work through each area of your physical pain and start to understand the root cause of it. The Perception Alchemy® element of The Life Freedom Method® allows you to reduce and remove pain from the body. This coupled with ongoing techniques and support provide the freedom from restriction that we have demonstrated in clinical trial and beyond.

We work with your...

  • overall health and wellbeing

  • beliefs

  • mindset

  • purpose

  • strategy

  • business

  • career

  • relationships

We show you how to...

  • live your life in the most aligned way

  • make decisions that are aligned with you and your purpose

  • how to grow through a new level of understanding

  • create space and freedom in your life to allow you to thrive

  • Integrate past experiences with your nervous system to allow for greater holistic wellbeing.

We help you understand...

  • your foundational strengths

  • your potential blind spots

  • your innate brilliance

  • your choices

  • your importance

It works through your pain

We work through each area of your physical pain and start to understand the root cause of it. The Perception Alchemy® element of The Life Freedom Method® allows you to reduce and remove pain from the body. This coupled with ongoing techniques and support provide the freedom from restriction that we have demonstrated in clinical trial and beyond.

You can access a copy of the white paper that we have created to support the pilot trial

You can access a copy of the white paper that we have created to support the pilot trial

Large Scale Mission

The Life Freedom Method® is our system that we are committed to make available to the mainstream. To make this happen and have it commissioned by the NHS we must first prove on a larger scale that it is an effective replicable solution. This is our mission and one that we are proudly championing right now.

The pilot trial has generated outstanding evidence to support the reduction of pain and improvement in quality of life. Mike Denton and Charmaine O’Reilly who were integral to the success of the trial continue to thrive following their Life Freedom Method® experience.

Mike Denton

"3 months ago I could hardly wake up in the morning. When I did I was unable to open my fingers without my wife massaging my hands. i was in constant pain, tired, depressed and I’d had enough."


I’m a Father of 3, a Husband, a Police Officer and have lived with Fibromyalgia for 4 years.

I was diagnosed after 18 months of hospital tests in July of 2021 and this all began (or seemed to) with abdominal pain, that lead to weakness in my arms, wrists & hands. I have seen counsellor’s, had physio and been to the Police Treatment Centre in Harrogate.

Running the Fibromyalgia Support Group across the different forces, I met Jules at the Fibromyalgia awareness day that I had arranged and jumped at the chance of being involved in the trial.

3 months ago I could hardly wake up in the morning. When I did I was unable to open my fingers without my wife massaging my hands. i was in constant pain, tired, depressed and I’d had enough.

Working with Jules has been great. Understanding that much of my condition was due to trapped emotion and trauma has opened my eyes to a new way of thinking. I now have a much better quality of life with 95% less discomfort and have the tools to continue helping myself and others.

I can’t wait to help others to feel the way that I do now.

Charmaine O'Reilly

"Three months ago I was a broken woman. I was in pain, I was drinking way too much, had demons from trauma, was tired, grumpy ..."


Three months ago I was a broken woman. I was in pain, I was drinking way too much, had demons from trauma, was tired, grumpy and did not see much change. Then, Jules Kelly came into my life and turned my world around.

Today Mike and I had our final healing session in our fibro trial before our final tests on Tuesday and I feel like I’ve been given another chance at life.

I HAVE NO PAIN! I’ve cut down on drinking HUGELY to the point where I cannot cope when I do drink. 😂 I’ve been introduced to and am now a Wellness Advocate of doTERRA oils.

I can cure my own trauma, my own pain. My confidence is through the roof. I am bloody fantastic.

I am Charmaine f@%#ing O’Reilly and the world had better watch out because HERE I COME.

Large Scale Mission

The Life Freedom Method® is our system that we are committed to make available to the mainstream. To make this happen and have it commissioned by the NHS we must first prove on a larger scale that it is an effective replicable solution. This is our mission and one that we are proudly championing right now.

The pilot trial has generated outstanding evidence to support the reduction of pain and improvement in quality of life. Mike Denton and Charmaine O’Reilly who were integral to the success of the trial continue to thrive following their Life Freedom Method® experience.

"3 months ago I could hardly wake up in the morning. When I did I was unable to open my fingers without my wife massaging my hands. i was in constant pain, tired, depressed and I’d had enough." - Mike Denton

Read more about his experience

I’m a Father of 3, a Husband, a Police Officer and have lived with Fibromyalgia for 4 years.

I was diagnosed after 18 months of hospital tests in July of 2021 and this all began (or seemed to) with abdominal pain, that lead to weakness in my arms, wrists & hands. I have seen counsellor’s, had physio and been to the Police Treatment Centre in Harrogate.

Running the Fibromyalgia Support Group across the different forces, I met Jules at the Fibromyalgia awareness day that I had arranged and jumped at the chance of being involved in the trial.

3 months ago I could hardly wake up in the morning. When I did I was unable to open my fingers without my wife massaging my hands. i was in constant pain, tired, depressed and I’d had enough.

Working with Jules has been great. Understanding that much of my condition was due to trapped emotion and trauma has opened my eyes to a new way of thinking. I now have a much better quality of life with 95% less discomfort and have the tools to continue helping myself and others.

I can’t wait to help others to feel the way that I do now.

"Three months ago I was a broken woman. I was in pain, I was drinking way too much, had demons from trauma, was tired, grumpy ..." - Charmaine O'Reilly

Read more about her experience...

Three months ago I was a broken woman. I was in pain, I was drinking way too much, had demons from trauma, was tired, grumpy and did not see much change. Then, Jules Kelly came into my life and turned my world around.

Today Mike and I had our final healing session in our fibro trial before our final tests on Tuesday and I feel like I’ve been given another chance at life.

I HAVE NO PAIN! I’ve cut down on drinking HUGELY to the point where I cannot cope when I do drink. 😂 I’ve been introduced to and am now a Wellness Advocate of doTERRA oils.

I can cure my own trauma, my own pain. My confidence is through the roof. I am bloody fantastic.

I am Charmaine f@%#ing O’Reilly and the world had better watch out because HERE I COME.

The Life Freedom Method® Further Research Plan

The Life Freedom Method®

Further Research Plan

Join us in our pursuit of further research for The Life Freedom Method® and our vision to attain accreditation and clinical proof of how our method change lives. With an unwavering belief in our work, we aim to obtain the clinical validation necessary to revolutionise holistic wellbeing and performance. As we strive to make a global impact and free individuals from the pandemic of dis-ease, your support is invaluable. Together, we can make a difference. Learn more by downloading our White Paper or supporting our mission today.

The Life Freedom Method® gives you the courage to take control, choose and change your life without burning out on the treadmill of “life”

Join us in our pursuit of further research for The Life Freedom Method® and our vision to attain accreditation and clinical proof of how our method change lives. With an unwavering belief in our work, we aim to obtain the clinical validation necessary to revolutionise holistic wellbeing and performance. As we strive to make a global impact and free individuals from the pandemic of dis-ease, your support is invaluable. Together, we can make a difference. Learn more by downloading our White Paper or supporting our mission today.